The very first special "tool" that I purchased after the god of motoring
merged my TR6 with the freeway of my life was the Bentley Manual. I would
have been absolutely lost without it (and still would). You need the
intangible tools of patience and enthusiasm, the latter is usually not in
short supply with owners like us but the former often eludes me. The great
thing about these cars is the amazing lack of need for special tools -
standard sockets and wrenches will do but go with good quality. Many of
those tools that are stamped with Made in China should read "Made OF
When I worked on my rear brakes, I wished I had the special wrench for that
#$&^^% adjustment screw on the back of the drum. A multi meter is a
necessary investment.
And I tell you what - when you get stuck on a problem, the best tool is
this list. I'm glad this TR 6 passion didn't strike me 10 years ago when
"internet" was just a term used by fishermen in Nova Scotia ("Holy
mackerel, Charlie, what a run of cod - let's throw out the internet!!)
Rich C.
74 1/2 TR 6
In the middle of a genuine blizzard in Nova Scotia
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