The Envemo 90 was a Brazilian replica of the
Porsche 356C. It was made from 1980 to 1992. The total production amounts
to circa 320 cars and a little over one hundred were cabriolets. They were
assembled on a Volkswagen Brasilia chassis. The Brasilia was a little
station wagon like car made by Brazuilian VW. Its chassis looked very much
like the Beetle chassis, but it was wider. The Envemos were very expensive when new. The interior is real
leather and they are hard to tell from genuine 356s.
Pictured is an 1980
1980 coupé model
equiped with a 1800cc VW engine with a mild cam and two Weber 40
carburetors along with its owner,
Luiz Tinoco who also provided the
information featured on the page