
I don't have enough details about them. All I can say, the car is based on the Alfa Romeo 75. I only have this black and white picture at the moment.
But it really doesn't matter as the car was yellow and black. Uberto Pietra and Gioacchino Acampora bought the rights of the name last summer and completed this prototype within 5 months.

More information:
Carozzeria Castagna Srl
Stabilimento: Viale Marche, 39 20090 Fizzonasco di Pieve Emanuele (MI).
Tel: +39-2-907-849-88. Fax: +39-2-907-849-98
Uffici: Foro Buonaparte, 55, 20121 Milano,Italia

Let's go back to the Geneva page.

Copyright March 1995.

Paul Negyesi

I'm no way related to this company or their products. I have no responsibility for the accuracy of the above info. This document or parts of it cannot be used for commercial purposes.