page_exists($wikiHomePage)) { $tikilib->create_page($wikiHomePage,0,'',date("U"),'Tiki initialization'); } if(!isset($_SESSION["thedate"])) { $thedate = date("U"); } else { $thedate = $_SESSION["thedate"]; } // Get the page from the request var or default it to HomePage if(!isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { $page = $wikiHomePage; $smarty->assign('page',$wikiHomePage); } else { $page = $_REQUEST["page"]; $smarty->assign_by_ref('page',$_REQUEST["page"]); } require_once('tiki-pagesetup.php'); // Check if we have to perform an action for this page // for example lock/unlock if(isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { if($_REQUEST["action"]=='lock') { $wikilib->lock_page($page); } elseif ($_REQUEST["action"]=='unlock') { $wikilib->unlock_page($page); } } // If the page doesn't exist then display an error if(!$tikilib->page_exists($page)) { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("Page cannot be found")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } // Now check permissions to access this page if($tiki_p_view != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("Permission denied you cannot view this page")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } // Now increment page hits since we are visiting this page if($count_admin_pvs == 'y' || $user!='admin') { $tikilib->add_hit($page); } // Get page data $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); // Verify lock status if($info["flag"] == 'L') { $smarty->assign('lock',true); } else { $smarty->assign('lock',false); } $pdata = $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"]); //$smarty->assign_by_ref('parsed',$pdata); //$smarty->assign_by_ref('lastModif',date("l d of F, Y [H:i:s]",$info["lastModif"])); //$smarty->assign_by_ref('lastModif',$info["lastModif"]); if(empty($info["user"])) { $info["user"]='anonymous'; } //$smarty->assign_by_ref('lastUser',$info["user"]); // Parse the Data into PDF format (:TODO:) // include_once("lib/class.ezpdf.php"); $pdf = & new Cezpdf(); $pdf->selectFont('lib/fonts/Helvetica'); $pdf->ezText("Hello world",14); $pdf->ezText($info["data"],12); $pdf->ezStream(); // Display the Index Template /* $smarty->assign('mid','tiki-show_page.tpl'); $smarty->assign('show_page_bar','y'); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/tiki.tpl"); */ ?>