assign('msg',tra("The file is not a CSV file or has not a correct syntax")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } //now load the users in a table while (!feof($fhandle)) { $data = fgetcsv($fhandle,1000); for ($i=0;$iassign('msg',tra("No records were found. Check the file please!")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } // Process user array $added = 0; foreach ($userrecs as $u) { if (@!$u['login']) { $discarded[] = discardUser($u,tra("User login is required")); } elseif (@!$u['password']) { $discarded[] = discardUser($u,tra("Password is required")); } elseif (@!$u['email']) { $discarded[] = discardUser($u,tra("Email is required")); } elseif ($userlib->user_exists($u['login']) and (!$_REQUEST['overwrite'])) { $discarded[] = discardUser($u,tra("User is duplicated")); } else { if (!$userlib->user_exists($u['login'])) { $userlib->add_user($u['login'],$u['password'],$u['email']); } $userlib->set_user_fields($u); if (@$u['groups']) { $grps = explode(",",$u['groups']); foreach ($grps as $grp) { if ($userlib->group_exists($grp)) { $userlib->assign_user_to_group($u['login'],$grp); } } } $added++; } } $smarty->assign('added',$added); if (@is_array($discarded)) { $smarty->assign('discarded',count($discarded)); } @$smarty->assign('discardlist',$discarded); } if($user != 'admin') { if($tiki_p_admin != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("You dont have permission to use this feature")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } } // Process the form to add a user here if(isset($_REQUEST["newuser"])) { // if no user data entered, check if it's a batch upload if ((!$_REQUEST["name"]) and (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['csvlist']['tmp_name']))) { batchImportUsers(); } else { // Check if the user already exists if($_REQUEST["pass"] != $_REQUEST["pass2"]) { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("The passwords dont match")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } else { if($userlib->user_exists($_REQUEST["name"])) { $smarty->assign('msg',tra("User already exists")); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/error.tpl"); die; } else { $userlib->add_user($_REQUEST["name"],$_REQUEST["pass"],$_REQUEST["email"]); } } } } // Process actions here // Remove user or remove user from group if(isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { if($_REQUEST["action"]=='delete') { $userlib->remove_user($_REQUEST["user"]); } if($_REQUEST["action"]=='removegroup') { $userlib->remove_user_from_group($_REQUEST["user"],$_REQUEST["group"]); } } if(!isset($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) { $sort_mode = 'login_desc'; } else { $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode',$sort_mode); // If offset is set use it if not then use offset =0 // use the maxRecords php variable to set the limit // if sortMode is not set then use lastModif_desc if(!isset($_REQUEST["numrows"])) { $numrows = $maxRecords; } else { $numrows = $_REQUEST["numrows"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('numrows',$numrows); if(!isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $_REQUEST["offset"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset',$offset); if(isset($_REQUEST["find"])) { $find = $_REQUEST["find"]; } else { $find = ''; } $smarty->assign('find',$find); $users = $userlib->get_users($offset,$numrows,$sort_mode,$find); $cant_pages = ceil($users["cant"] / $numrows); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant_pages',$cant_pages); $smarty->assign('actual_page',1+($offset/$numrows)); if($users["cant"] > ($offset+$numrows)) { $smarty->assign('next_offset',$offset + $numrows); } else { $smarty->assign('next_offset',-1); } // If offset is > 0 then prev_offset if($offset>0) { $smarty->assign('prev_offset',$offset - $numrows); } else { $smarty->assign('prev_offset',-1); } // Get users (list of users) $smarty->assign_by_ref('users',$users["data"]); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid','tiki-adminusers.tpl'); $smarty->display("styles/$style_base/tiki.tpl"); ?>