* @modified by Steven Levin * @modified by Adam Morton * @package phpWebSite */ /* Show all errors */ //error_reporting (E_ALL); // Change to TRUE to allow DEBUG mode define('DEBUG_MODE', FALSE); $GLOBALS['ALWAYS'] = array('layout', 'users', 'language', 'fatcat', 'search', 'menuman', 'comments'); if (!isset($hub_dir)) { $hub_dir = NULL; } /* Check to make sure $hub_dir is not set to an address */ if (!preg_match ("/:\/\//i", $hub_dir)) { loadConfig($hub_dir); } else { exit('FATAL ERROR! Hub directory was malformed.'); } require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'security.php'; if (file_exists(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'core/Core.php') && file_exists(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'core/Debug.php')) { require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'core/Core.php'; if(DEBUG_MODE) { require_once 'Benchmark/Timer.php'; $PHPWS_Timer =& new Benchmark_Timer(); $PHPWS_Timer->start(); $PHPWS_Timer->setMarker('Begin Core Initialization'); } } else { exit('FATAL ERROR! Required file Core.php not found.'); } if (!isset($branchName)) { $branchName = NULL; } $GLOBALS['core'] =& new PHPWS_Core($branchName, $hub_dir); if (DEBUG_MODE) { $PHPWS_Timer->setMarker('End Core Initialization'); } $includeList = $core->initModules(); if (DEBUG_MODE) { /* phpWebSite debugger */ if (!isset($_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug'])) { $_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug'] =& new PHPWS_Debug(); } if ($_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->isActive()) { $_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->displayDebugInfo(TRUE); if ($_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->getBeforeExecution()) { $_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->displayDebugInfo(FALSE); } } } $current_mod_file = NULL; foreach ($includeList as $mod_title=>$current_mod_file) { if (in_array($mod_title, $GLOBALS['ALWAYS']) || (isset($_REQUEST['module']) && ($_REQUEST['module'] == $mod_title))) { if (DEBUG_MODE) { $PHPWS_Timer->setMarker("Begin $mod_title Execution"); } $core->current_mod = $mod_title; if (is_file($current_mod_file)) { include_once($current_mod_file); } if (DEBUG_MODE) { $PHPWS_Timer->setMarker("End $mod_title Execution"); } } if (is_file(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . "mod/$mod_title/inc/runtime.php")) { include PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . "mod/$mod_title/inc/runtime.php"; } } /* Preventing last mod loaded from being 'current_mod' */ $core->current_mod = NULL; $core->db->disconnect(); if (DEBUG_MODE) { $PHPWS_Timer->stop(); /* phpWebSite debugger */ if ($_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->isActive()) { if ($_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->getShowTimer()) { echo '
phpWebSite Timer
'; $PHPWS_Timer->display(); echo '
'; } if ($_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->getAfterExecution()) { $_SESSION['PHPWS_Debug']->displayDebugInfo(FALSE); } } } /* Loads the hubs config file and sets the source directory */ function loadConfig($hub_dir){ if (file_exists($hub_dir . 'conf/config.php')) { if (filesize($hub_dir . 'conf/config.php') > 0) { include($hub_dir . 'conf/config.php'); define('PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR', $source_dir); } else { header('Location: ./setup/set_config.php'); exit(); } } else { header('Location: ./setup/set_config.php'); exit(); } } /* Uncomment to see memory usage */ //echo round((memory_get_usage()/1024)/1024, 2) . 'MB'; ?>