* @author Adam Morton * @author Steven Levin * @author Don Seiler * @package Core */ class PHPWS_Text { /** * An array of "bad" words for this site. Used to filter * profanity. * @var array * @access private */ var $bad_words; /** * Determines whether or not to strip profanity. * @var boolean * @access private */ var $strip_profanity; /** * An array of allowed HTML tags for the site. * @var array * @access private */ var $allowed_tags; /** * Determines whether or not to convert newlines to breaks. * @var boolean * @access private */ var $add_breaks; /** * Text settings for the core * * Only loaded if a database connection is successful * * @author Matthew McNaney */ function loadTextSettings(){ if (file_exists(PHPWS_HOME_DIR . "conf/textSettings.php")) $textFile = PHPWS_HOME_DIR . "conf/textSettings.php"; elseif(file_exists(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . "conf/textSettings.php")) $textFile = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . "conf/textSettings.php"; else { exit("Error: Unable to locate textSettings file.
" . PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . "conf/textSettings.php"); return; } include ($textFile); $this->allowed_tags = $allowed_tags; $this->bad_words = $bad_words; $this->strip_profanity = $strip_profanity; $this->add_breaks = $add_breaks; } /** * Removes profanity from a text string * * Profanity definitions are set by the core in the textSettings.php file * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text Text to be parsed * @return string Parsed text * @access public */ function profanityFilter($text) { if (!is_array($GLOBALS["core"]->text->bad_words)) exit("Error: bad_words variable in your textSettings file is not an array"); foreach ($GLOBALS["core"]->text->bad_words as $matchWord=>$replaceWith) $text = preg_replace("/$matchWord/i", $replaceWith, $text); return $text; }// END FUNC profanityFilter() /** * Breaks text up into row sentences in an array * * @author Matt McNaney * @param string $text Text string to break into array * @return array $text_array Array of sentences * @access public */ function sentence($text, $stripNewlines = FALSE){ if (!is_string($text)) exit ("sentence() was not sent a string"); if (strstr($text, "\r")) $text_array = explode("\r\n",$text); else $text_array = explode("\n",$text); return $text_array; }// END FUNC sentence() /** * Adds breaks to text where newlines exist * * This function will ONLY add a break if the current break is not preceded * by certain tags (see below). This will prevent breaks in tables etc. * Make sure you enter the tags in regular expression form. * * @author Matt McNaney * @param string $text Text you wish breaked * @return string $content Formatted text * @access public */ function breaker($text){ if (!is_string($text)) exit ("breaker() was not sent a string"); if (!$GLOBALS["core"]->text->add_breaks) return $text; $text_array = PHPWS_Text::sentence($text); $lines = count($text_array); $endings = array ("
", "
", "", "<\/?p.*>", "<\/?area.*>", "<\/?map.*>", "<\/?li.*>", "<\/?ol.*>", "<\/?ul.*>", "<\/?dl.*>", "<\/?dt.*>", "<\/?dd.*>", "<\/?table.*>", "<\/?th.*>", "<\/?tr.*>", "<\/?td.*>", "<\/?h..*>"); $loop = 0; $search_string = NULL; foreach ($endings as $tag){ if ($loop) $search_string .= "|"; $search_string .= $tag."\$"; $loop = 1; } $count = 0; $content = NULL; $preFlag = false; foreach ($text_array as $sentence){ $count++; if ($count < $lines){ if(!$preFlag) { if(preg_match("/
\$/iU", trim($sentence))) {
	    $preFlag = true;
	    $content .= $sentence."\n";
	  if (!preg_match("/".$search_string."/iU" , trim($sentence))) $content .= $sentence."
\n"; else $content .= $sentence."\n"; } else if(preg_match("/<\/pre>\$/iU", trim($sentence))) { $preFlag = false; $content .= $sentence."\n"; continue; } else { $content .= $sentence."\n"; } } else $content .= $sentence; } return $content; }// END FUNC breaker() /** * Returns true if the $char passed is an alphabetic character and false * if it is not. * * @author Adam Morton * @param string $char The character to be tested * @return boolean TRUE if it's in the english alphabet, FALSE if not * @access public */ function isAlpha ($char) { return !preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z]/", $char); }// END FUNC isAlpha() /** * Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need * to be quoted in database queries. * * Different than basic command as it checks to see if magic slashes is on. * If magic quotes is on, then addslashes will just return the string * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text Text to addslashes to. * @return string Slashed text * @access public */ function addslashes($text) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) return $text; else return addslashes($text); }// END FUNC addslashes /** * Returns a string with backslashes removed BUT ONLY * if magic slashes is on. * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text Text to be stripped * @return string $text Stripped text * @access public */ function stripslashes($text) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) return stripslashes($text); else return $text; }// END FUNC stripslashes() /** * An alias for the stripslashes function. * * Helps to distinguish it between the PHPWS_Text function and the PHP * function and how the handle slashes. * * @param string $text Text to be stripped * @return string $text Stripped text * @access public */ function magicstrip($text) { return PHPWS_Text::stripslashes($text); } /** * Removes tags from text * * This function replaces the functionality of the 'parse' function * Should be used after a post or get or before saving it to the database * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string text Text to parse * @param mixed allowedTags The tags that will not be stripped from the text * @return string text Stripped text */ function parseInput($text, $allowedTags=NULL){ $text = PHPWS_Text::stripSlashQuotes($text); if(preg_match("/src=([\"']{0,1}).*(?<=[=\"']\?|index.php|module=).*([\"']{0,1})/Ui", $text) || preg_match("/onload=/i", $text)) $text = preg_replace("//Uei", "", $text); if ($allowedTags == "none") $allowedTagString = NULL; elseif (is_array($allowedTags)) $allowedTagString = implode("", $allowedTags); elseif (is_string($allowedTags)) $allowedTagString = $allowedTags; else { $allowedTagString = $GLOBALS["core"]->text->allowed_tags; } $text = preg_replace("/(\[code\])(.*)(\[\/code\])/seU", "'\\1' . str_replace('\n', '', PHPWS_Text::utfEncode('\\2')) . '\\3'", $text); $text = str_replace("'", "'", $text); return strip_tags($text, $allowedTagString); } function utfEncode($text){ $text = PHPWS_Text::stripSlashQuotes($text); $search = array("//"); $replace = array('<', '>'); return preg_replace($search, $replace, $text); } /** * Prepares text for display * * This function replaces the functionality of the 'parse' and appends * the breaker function. * Should be used after retrieving data from the database * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string text Text to parse * @return string text Stripped text */ function parseOutput($text, $printTags=FALSE){ require_once("HTML/BBCodeParser.php"); // Set up BBCodeParser $config = parse_ini_file(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . "/conf/BBCodeParser.ini", true); $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty("HTML_BBCodeParser", "_options"); $options = $config["HTML_BBCodeParser"]; unset($options); if ($GLOBALS["core"]->text->strip_profanity) $text = PHPWS_Text::profanityFilter($text); if ($printTags) $text = htmlspecialchars($text); $text = preg_replace("/&(?!\w+;)(?!#)/U", "&\\1", $text); $text = preg_replace('/{/', '{', $text); $text = preg_replace('/}/', '}', $text); $parser = new HTML_BBCodeParser(); $parser->setText($text); $parser->parse(); $text = $parser->getParsed(); if(preg_match("/src=([\"']{0,1}).*(?<=[=\"']\?|index.php|module=).*([\"']{0,1})/Ui", $text) || preg_match("/onload=/i", $text)) $text = preg_replace("//Uei", "", $text); $text = str_replace("'", "'", $text); // Parse BBCode return PHPWS_Text::breaker($text); } function ampersand($text) { return preg_replace('/&(trade|bull|deg|copy|reg|hellip)/', '&\\1', $text); } function encodeXHTML($text){ $text = strtr($text, $xhtml); $text = preg_replace('/&(?!\w+;)(?!#)/U', '&\\1', $text); return $text; } /** * Checks the validity of text based on the type * * Designed to be a catch all method to parse critical text. * - chars_space : input must be alphanumberic. Spaces allowed * - number : input must be numeric * - email : input must appear to be valid email address * - file : input must appear to be a proper file name format * - default : alphanumeric and underline ONLY * * Should be used anytime user input directly affects program logic, * is used to pull database data, etc. Also, will ALWAYS return FALSE * if it receives blank data. * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $userEntry Text to be checked * @param string $type What type of comparison * @return boolean TRUE on valid input, FALSE on invalid input * @access public */ function isValidInput($userEntry, $type=NULL) { if (empty($userEntry) || !is_string($userEntry)) return FALSE; switch ($type) { case "chars_space": if (eregi("^[a-z_0-9 ]+$",$userEntry)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; case "number": if (ereg("^[0-9]+$",$userEntry)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; case "url": if (eregi("^(http:\/\/)[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+|\/)", $userEntry)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; case "email": if (eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+$", $userEntry)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; case "file": if (eregi("^[a-z_0-9\.]+$",$userEntry)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; default: if (eregi("^[a-z_0-9]+$",$userEntry)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break; } }// END FUNC validForm() /** * Returns an image string * * If width or height are not supplied, the function supplies them for you. * This function will attempt to return an empty box if it cannot find the file. * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $address The address of the image * @param string $alt The alt text for the image (required) * @param mixed $width Width of the graphic * @param mixed $height Height of the graphic * @param mixed $border Width of the graphics border * @param boolean $blank Unknown * @return string $image The html image tag * @access public */ function imageTag($address, $alt=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $border=0, $blank=FALSE){ $dimensions = NULL; if ($GLOBALS['core']->isHub){ $checkDir = str_replace(PHPWS_SOURCE_HTTP, PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR, $address); $address = str_replace("http://", "", $address); $address = str_replace(PHPWS_SOURCE_HTTP, "", $address); } else { if (stristr($address, PHPWS_HOME_HTTP . "images/")) { $checkDir = str_replace(PHPWS_HOME_HTTP, PHPWS_HOME_DIR, $address); $address = str_replace("http://", "", $address); $address = str_replace(PHPWS_HOME_HTTP, "", $address); } else if($address[0] == '.' && $address[1] == '/') { //relative link, no modifications needed } else { $checkDir = str_replace(PHPWS_SOURCE_HTTP, PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR, $address); $address = PHPWS_Text::checkLink($address); } } if (is_null($width) && is_null($height)){ $size = @getimagesize($checkDir); if ($size == FALSE) return NULL; else $dimensions = " " . $size[3]; } else { if (isset($width)) $dimensions .= " width=\"$width\""; if (isset($height)) $dimensions .= " height=\"$height\""; } $border = " border=\"$border\""; $alt = " alt=\"" . strip_tags($alt) . "\""; $image = ""; return $image; }// END FUNC imageTag() /** * Builds a basic table from an array * * The array should be 2 dimensional. The indexes are * irrelevant. The first indice makes the row, the * second indices create the columns. If $th=1, * the table will turn the top row into table headers. * If toggle=1, the table will use css standard 'bg_light' * to alternately color the rows. * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param array $data_array Array of columns and rows to create the table from * @param integer $cellpadding Pixels of cellpadding between contents and border * @param integer $cellspacing Pixels of spacing between borders. * @param integer $border Pixel width of the border * @param integer $width Pixel or percentage width of the table * @param boolean $th If TRUE, make the top row a header * @param boolean $toggle If TRUE, alternate shading of rows * @param string $valign Vertical alignment of the contents of the cells * @param string $class Style sheet class to attach to the table * @return string $table The formatted table * @access public */ function ezTable($data_array, $cellpadding=0, $cellspacing=0, $border=0, $width=0, $th=FALSE, $toggle=FALSE, $valign=NULL, $class=NULL){ $high_column = 0; $bg = $cell_width = $background = $table_width = NULL; if (!is_array($data_array)) return FALSE; foreach ($data_array as $row_count){ if ($high_column < count($row_count)) $high_column = count($row_count); } reset ($data_array); if ($class) $background = " class=\"$class\""; if ($width){ $width_per_cell = (int)floor(100/$high_column); $cell_width = " width=\"".$width_per_cell."%\""; $table_width = " width=\"".$width."%\""; } if ($valign) $vert = " valign=\"".$valign."\""; else $vert = " valign=\"top\""; if ($high_column){ $table = ""; foreach ($data_array as $row_array){ if ($toggle) PHPWS_WizardBag::toggle($bg, " class=\"bg_light\""); $table .= ""; for ($j=0; $j < $high_column; $j++){ if ($th && !$loop) $table .= "$row_array[$j]"; else $table .= "$row_array[$j]"; } $loop = 1; $table .= ""; } $table .= "
"; return $table; } else return NULL; }// END FUNC ezTable() /** * Allows a quick link function for phpWebSite modules to the index.php. * * A replacement for the clunky function link. This is for modules accessing * local information ONLY. It adds the hub web address and index.php automatically. * You supply the name of the module and the variables. * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string title String to appear as the 'click on' word(s) * @param string module Name of module to access * @param array getVars Associative array of GET variable to append to the link * @return string The complated link. */ function moduleLink($title, $module=NULL, $getVars=NULL, $target=NULL, $class=NULL){ $link = "moduleExists($module)){ $link .= "index.php?module=$module"; if (is_array($getVars)){ foreach ($getVars as $var_name=>$value){ $link .= "&"; $link .= $var_name . "=" . $value; $i = 1; } } } if ($target=="blank" || $target === TRUE) $linkTarget = " target=\"_blank\" "; elseif ($target=="index") $linkTarget = " target=\"index\" "; else $linkTarget = NULL; $link .= "\""; if(isset($class)) $link .= " class=\"$class\""; return $link . $linkTarget . ">".strip_tags($title, "").""; }// END FUNC indexLink() /** * Returns a HREF link string * * If the type is designated "local", the function will * write a 'http://' and your source_http value on to the front * of you address. For example, send just 'index.php' and if will * add your local address automatically for use in phpwebsite. * If 'local' is not sent to the type it will assume you are linking * off the site and use address as is. * * Sending an array to $get_var will create a get suffix on * to the link. For example: * * $array["article_number"] = "5"; * $array["preference"] = "all"; * * $this->link("index.php", "Show All 5 Articles", "local", $array); * //Returns: Show All 5 Articles * * Finally if you use "index" or "blank" for $target, your link will open in * a new window. Blank opens a new window each time. Index opens one new window * and any new links will open in that window. * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $address Where the link will go * @param string $text Clickable text (or picture) to go to the address * @param string $type 'local' if linking in pws, blank otherwise * @param resource $get_var Associative array of get values to add to address * @param string $target 'blank' or 'index' to open a new window * @param string $onclick Command to execute upon clicking the link * @return string $link The link string * @access public */ function link($address, $text, $type=NULL, $get_var=NULL, $target=NULL, $onclick=NULL){ if ($type == "local") $address = "http://" . PHPWS_SOURCE_HTTP . $address; elseif ($type == "index") $address; elseif (!preg_match("/(http:\/\/)/i",$address)) $address = "http://".$address; $link = "$value){ if ($i) $link .= "&"; else $link .= "?"; $link .= $var_name . "=" . $value; $i = 1; } } if ($onclick) $onclick = " onclick=\"$onclick\""; $relay = NULL; if ($target=="blank") $relay = " target=\"_blank\""; elseif ($target=="index") $relay = " target=\"index\""; $link .= "\"" . $relay . $onclick . ">$text"; return $link; }// END FUNC link() /** * Appends http:// if missing * * More text detail * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $link Link string to check * @return string $link Appended string * @access public */ function checkLink($link){ if (!stristr($link, "://")) return "http://".$link; else return $link; }// END FUNC checkLink() /** * Removes spaces from a string * * If "replace" is sent, that character will replace the space. * Could be useful for filenames * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text String to remove spaces from * @param string $replace String to use instead of spaces * @return string The original string without spaces * @access public */ function stripSpaces($text, $replace=NULL) { if (is_string($replace)) return str_replace(" ", substr($replace, 0, 1), $text); else return str_replace(" ", "", $text); }// END FUNC stripSpaces() /** * alphaNum * * Removes any character that is not alphanumeric * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $stripper The string to strip non-alphanumeric characters from. * @return string The original string with all non-alphanumeric characters removed. * @access public */ function alphaNum($stripper) { return preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $stripper); }// END FUNC alphaNum() /** * Returns TRUE if the text appears to have unslashed quotes or apostrophes * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text Text to be checked for unslashed quotes or apostrophes * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure * @access public */ function checkUnslashed($text){ if (preg_match("/[^\\\]+[\"']/", $text)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }// END FUNC checkUnslashed() /** * Removes quotes from a string * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text Text to remove quotes from * @return string $text Parsed text * @access public */ function stripQuotes($text) { $text = str_replace("'", "", $text); $text = str_replace("\"", "", $text); return $text; }// END FUNC stripQuotes() /** * Removes slashes ONLY from quotes or apostrophes, nothing else * * @author Matthew McNaney * @param string $text Text to remove slashes from * @return string $text Parsed text * @access public */ function stripSlashQuotes($text){ $text = str_replace("\'", "'", $text); $text = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $text); return $text; }// END FUNC stripSlashQuotes() }//END CLASS CLS_text ?>