* @version $Id: Debug.php,v 1.16 2004/04/21 20:43:38 darren Exp $ * @package Core */ class PHPWS_Debug { /** * flag whether or not class is active or not * @var bool */ var $active = 0; /** * flag whether or not to dump post variables * @var bool */ var $dumpPost = 0; /** * flag whether or not to dump get variables * @var bool */ var $dumpGet = 0; /** * flag whether or not to dump request variables * @var bool */ var $dumpRequest = 0; /** * flag whether of not to dump the core dump * @var bool */ var $dumpCore = 0; /** * array of session objects to dump * @var array */ var $sessionObjects = array(); /** * array of session arrays to dump * @var array */ var $sessionArrays = array(); /** * array of other session vars to dump * @var array */ var $sessionOthers = array(); /** * flag whether or not to dump file variables * @var bool */ var $dumpFile = 0; /** * flag whether or not to dump cookie variables * @var bool */ var $dumpCookie = 0; /** * flag whether or not to dump server variables * @var bool */ var $dumpServer = 0; /** * flag whether of not to dump error message variable * @var bool */ var $errorMsg = 0; /** * flag whether of not to dump debug display before execution * @var bool */ var $beforeExecution = 0; /** * flag whether of not to dump debug display after execution * @var bool */ var $afterExecution = 0; /** * flag whether of not to display time info * @var bool */ var $showTimer = 0; var $showBlock = 0; /** * Constructor (not needed at this point) */ function PHPWS_debug() {} /** * various get and set functions, pretty self-explanitory */ function setShowTimer($activity) {$this->showTimer = $activity;} function setDumpCore($activity) {$this->dumpCore = $activity;} function setDumpPost($activity) {$this->dumpPost = $activity;} function setDumpGet($activity) {$this->dumpGet = $activity;} function setDumpRequest($activity) {$this->dumpRequest = $activity;} function setDumpFile($activity) {$this->dumpFile = $activity;} function setDumpCookie($activity) {$this->dumpCookie = $activity;} function setDumpServer($activity) {$this->dumpServer = $activity;} function setBeforeExecution($activity) {$this->beforeExecution = $activity;} function setAfterExecution($activity) {$this->afterExecution = $activity;} function setShowBlock($activity) {$this->showBlock = $activity;} function getShowTimer() {return $this->showTimer;} function getDumpCore() {return $this->dumpCore;} function getDumpPost() {return $this->dumpPost;} function getDumpGet() {return $this->dumpGet;} function getDumpRequest() {return $this->dumpRequest;} function getDumpFile() {return $this->dumpFile;} function getDumpCookie() {return $this->dumpCookie;} function getDumpServer() {return $this->dumpServer;} function getBeforeExecution() {return $this->beforeExecution;} function getAfterExecution() {return $this->afterExecution;} function getShowBlock() {return $this->showBlock;} function setActive($activity) {$this->active = $activity;} function isActive() {return $this->active;} function setActivity() { PHPWS_WizardBag::toggle($this->active); } /** * adminSettings * * displays the debug options */ function adminSettings() { $title = $_SESSION['translate']->it("phpWebSite Debugger Settings"); $hiddens = array("module"=>"debug", "DBUG_op"=>"save_settings"); $elements[0] = PHPWS_Form::formHidden($hiddens); $elements[0] .= "

" . $_SESSION['translate']->it("Select the information for debug display.") . "

"; $template_array['EXECUTION'] = PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_active", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->active, NULL, 1); $template_array['EXECUTION'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Turn On/Off") . "
"; $template_array['EXECUTION'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_time", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->showTimer, NULL, 1); $template_array['EXECUTION'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("PhpWebSite Timer") . "
"; $template_array['EXECUTION'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_block", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->showBlock, NULL, 1); $template_array['EXECUTION'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Debugger Block"); $template_array['VARS'] = PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_post", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpPost, NULL, 1); $template_array['VARS'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Post Variables") . "
"; $template_array['VARS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_get", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpGet, NULL, 1); $template_array['VARS'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Get Variables") . "
"; $template_array['VARS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_request", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpRequest, NULL, 1); $template_array['VARS'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Request Variables"); $template_array['MORE_VARS'] = PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_file", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpFile, NULL, 1); $template_array['MORE_VARS'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("File Variables") . "
"; $template_array['MORE_VARS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_cookie", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpCookie, NULL, 1); $template_array['MORE_VARS'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Cookie Variables") . "
"; $template_array['MORE_VARS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_server", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpServer, NULL, 1); $template_array['MORE_VARS'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Server Variables"); $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] = "
" . $_SESSION['translate']->it("Session and Core Options") . "
"; $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_before", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->beforeExecution, NULL, 1); $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Display Before Execution") . "
"; $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_after", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->afterExecution, NULL, 1); $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Display After Execution") . "
"; $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] .= PHPWS_Form::formSelect("DBUG_core", array(0=>"Off", 1=>"On"), $this->dumpCore, NULL, 1); $template_array['SESSION_CORE_OPT'] .= $_SESSION['translate']->it("Dump Core") . "
"; $objects = array(); $arrays = array(); $others = array(); if(is_array($_SESSION)) { reset($_SESSION); foreach($_SESSION as $var => $value) { if(is_object($value)) { $objects[] = $var; } else if(is_array($value)) { $arrays[] = $var; } else { $others[] = $var; } } } $template_array['SESSION_OBJECTS'] = $_SESSION['translate']->it("Session Objects") . "
"; $template_array['SESSION_OBJECTS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formMultipleSelect("DBUG_SES_objects", $objects, $this->sessionObjects, 1); $template_array['SESSION_ARRAYS'] = $_SESSION['translate']->it("Session Arrays") . "
"; $template_array['SESSION_ARRAYS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formMultipleSelect("DBUG_SES_arrays", $arrays, $this->sessionArrays, 1); $template_array['SESSION_OTHERS'] = $_SESSION['translate']->it("Other Sessions") . "
"; $template_array['SESSION_OTHERS'] .= PHPWS_Form::formMultipleSelect("DBUG_SES_others", $others, $this->sessionOthers, 1); $template_array['SUBMIT_RESET'] = PHPWS_Form::formSubmit($_SESSION['translate']->it("Save")) . "  "; $template_array['SUBMIT_RESET'] .= "it("Reset Form") . "\" />"; $elements[0] .= PHPWS_Template::processTemplate($template_array, "debug", "settings.tpl"); $content = PHPWS_Form::makeForm("DBUG_settings", "index.php", $elements, "post", NULL, NULL); $_SESSION['OBJ_layout']->popbox($title, $content, NULL, "CNT_debug"); } // END FUNC adminSettings /** * saveSettings * * saves the current debugger settings */ function saveSettings() { $this->setActive($_POST['DBUG_active']); $this->setShowTimer($_POST['DBUG_time']); $this->setBeforeExecution($_POST['DBUG_before']); $this->setAfterExecution($_POST['DBUG_after']); $this->setDumpPost($_POST['DBUG_post']); $this->setDumpGet($_POST['DBUG_get']); $this->setDumpRequest($_POST['DBUG_request']); $this->setDumpFile($_POST['DBUG_file']); $this->setDumpCookie($_POST['DBUG_cookie']); $this->setDumpServer($_POST['DBUG_server']); $this->setDumpCore($_POST['DBUG_core']); $this->setShowBlock($_POST['DBUG_block']); if (isset($_POST['DBUG_SES_objects'])) $this->sessionObjects = $_POST['DBUG_SES_objects']; if (isset($_POST['DBUG_SES_objects'])) $this->sessionArrays = $_POST['DBUG_SES_arrays']; if (isset($_POST['DBUG_SES_others'])) $this->sessionOthers = $_POST['DBUG_SES_others']; } /** * testObject * * Outputs variables set in an object * * @author Matthew McNaney * @modified Steven Levin * @param object $objVar object to display * @param bool $displayTags whether or not to show html tags * @return string table of object variables */ function testObject($objVar, $displayTags=1) { if(is_object($objVar)) { $objectInfo = (get_object_vars($objVar)); return PHPWS_Debug::testArray($objectInfo, $displayTags); } return "PHPWS_Debug: testObject received a/an " . gettype($objVar) . " variable, not an object
"; } // END FUNC testObject /** * testArray * * Returns a table displaying the contents of an array * * @author Matthew McNaney * @modified Steven Levin * @param array $arrayVar array to be tested * @param bool $displayTags whether or not to show html tags * @return string table with contents of array */ function testArray($arrayVar, $displayTags=1) { if(is_array($arrayVar)) { if(count($arrayVar)) { $info = "\n"; $info .= "\n"; $info .= "\n"; $info .= "\n"; foreach($arrayVar as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $value = PHPWS_Debug::testArray($value, $displayTags); } else if(is_object($value)) { $value = PHPWS_Debug::testObject($value, $displayTags); } else if($displayTags && is_string($value)) { $value = htmlspecialchars($value); } else if($value !== NULL) { ob_start(); var_dump($value); $value = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $value = "NULL"; } $info .= "\n"; $info .= "\n"; $info .= "\n"; $info .= "\n"; } $info .= "
" . $key . "" . $value . "
\n"; return $info; } else { return "Array contained no values."; } } else { return "PHPWS_Debug: testArray received a/an " . gettype($arrayVar) . " variable, not an array.
"; } } // END FUNC testArray function displayDebugInfo($beforeExecution) { if($beforeExecution) { if($this->getDumpPost()) { echo "POST Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_POST); echo "

"; } if($this->getDumpGet()) { echo "GET Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_GET); echo "

"; } if($this->getDumpRequest()) { echo "REQUEST Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_REQUEST); echo "

"; } if($this->getDumpFile()) { echo "FILES Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_FILES); echo "

"; } if($this->getDumpCookie()) { echo "COOKIE Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_COOKIE); echo "

"; } if($this->getDumpServer()) { echo "SERVER Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_SERVER); echo "

"; } } else { if($this->getDumpCore()) { echo "PHPWS_Core
"; echo $this->testObject($GLOBALS['core']); echo "

"; } if(count($this->sessionObjects) > 0) { foreach($this->sessionObjects as $value) { echo "" . $value . " Session Object
"; echo $this->testObject($_SESSION[$value]); echo "

"; } } if(count($this->sessionArrays) > 0) { foreach($this->sessionArrays as $value) { echo "" . $value . " Session Array
"; echo $this->testArray($_SESSION[$value]); echo "

"; } } if(count($this->sessionOthers) > 0) { foreach($this->sessionOthers as $value) { echo "" . $value . " Session Variable
"; echo var_dump($_SESSION[$value]); echo "

"; } } } } // END FUNC displayDebugInfo } // END CLASS PHPWS_Debug ?>