Sarah, I apologize for not passing this along sooner (since the parade on the
29th is past). But again I am forwarding it to several lists of Triumph folk
in hopes that some folks can try to make arrangements.
Again, if someone would forward this to NASS folks, it would be appreciated.
Anyone reading this in the Toledo area: this could be a great opportunity for
you, your car, your club!
Andrew Mace, Vice President, Member Services
and 10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Vehicle Consultant
The Vintage Triumph Register <>
In a message dated 11/13/2003 10:59:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> We finally got our schedule for the 2004 season. Please see the schedule
> below and let me know what home game date or dates you think would work best
> for your club. I am in contact with a few different clubs so I will take
> feedback from all of the clubs and let you know what date will be the
> day.
> I was also wondering if you know of anyone that would be available on
> Saturday the 29th to come and be in the Toledo holiday parade with us. We
> hoping to have a Spitfire carry the mascot in the parade. Please let me
> Look forward to talking with you soon.
> 2004 Schedule
> April 3 - Toledo @ Wisconsin
> April 10 - Bye
> April 17 - Bye
> April 24 - Indiana @ Toledo
> May 1 - S.W. Michigan @ Toledo
> May 8 - Columbus @ Toledo
> May 15 - Toledo @ Indiana
> May 22 - Bye
> May 29 - Cleveland @ Toledo
> June 5 - Toledo @ S.W. Michigan
> June 12 - Toledo @ Detroit
> June 26 - Playoffs Round 1
> July 3 - Playoffs Round 2
> July 17 - Playoffs Round 3
> July 31 - Championship Game
> Sarah Dowd
> >> ----- Original Message -----
>> From:
>> To: <A HREF="";></A>;<A
>> ;<A HREF="";></A> Cc: <A
>> Sent: 7/14/2003 8:50:47 PM
>> Subject: Triumph/Spitfire night @ Toledo Spitfire woman's semi-pro football
>> game in 2004?
>> Forwarded from the VTR web site. If anyone has any ideas, please pass them
>> along to Sarah at <>. Also, if someone could
>> pass the message along to someone in NASS and to any other appropriate list,
>> club, etc., I'm sure it would be appreciated!
>> --Andy
>> Andrew Mace, Vice President, Member Services
>> and 10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Vehicle Consultant
>> The Vintage Triumph Register <>
>> =====
>> --- Sarah Dowd <> wrote:
>> >From: "Sarah Dowd" <>
>> >To:
>> >Subject: Spitfire
>> >Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 0:59:38 -0400
>> >
>> ---------------------------------
>> To whom it may concern:
>> I am writing from the office of the Toledo Spitfire
>> woman's semi-pro football team. I am in the early
>> stages of planning the 2004 season and I wanted to try
>> and have a Triumph/Spitfire night at one of our games.
>> If this is something that your club would be
>> interested in please let me know. We won't have our
>> schedule released until November but I wanted to try
>> and set something up before then. Thank you for your
>> time.
>> --- Sarah Dowd
>> ---
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