That is the well known "SU Carburetor bet they'll wonder
what hell this is in a few years time" screw head.
Actually I'd bet it is a "smog" model and as you said
designed to fool tampering.
I've copied the vintage race list. Someone there may know.
--- "Kai M. Radicke" <> wrote:
> "";
> Anyone know what this kind of fastener head is called? I
> couldn't find any
> matches for the head style on McMaster's site... bigger
> question is where to
> purchase the sockets to remove this screw style?
> These are relatively small screws used to hold on the
> dashpot cover and
> float bowl cover onto the carb body of an SU HIF44
> carburettor (from an MG
> Metro). I'm hoping they aren't a proprietary designed
> fastener just to keep
> people from opening up the carbs! I managed to get them
> undone, a pair of
> snap ring pliers worked reasonably well to undo the
> screws... but I'd like to have the proper bit on hand.
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