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Re: Even Further off-topic

Subject: Re: Even Further off-topic
From: Derek <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 06:24:08 -0700 (PDT)
--- Brian Kemp wrote:
> - I probably wouldn't do this because some people measure success and
> manhood by
> the amount of stuff you have, but you could try to clean out and have
> a garage
> sale, donate the stuff to charity, or fill trash cans.  Then you
> need to strengthen the rafter system.

Good point, Brian. Reminds me of lunch time conversations with the
unwashed in the good old days when I still worked and we still had a
lunch room.

"They" never really understood my hobby of vintage racing and were
somewhat in awe of by "big" trailer - just normal sized by racing
standards. They were also in awe that I would keep up interstate speeds
of anywhere between 65 and 85 depending on what the big rigs were

"They" were completely floored by the information that my mileage was
maybe 8 or 10 mpg.

"They" - "Oh my gawd - that bad - is something wrong with your van?"
  Me   - "No - that's pretty normal/reasonable"
"They" - "Wouldn't you get better mileage by slowing down?"
  Me   - "Suppose so - never considereed that option."
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