well i brought the saab home in one piece and still running! although i do
not know why it is still running? i was trying evrything i could to get as
much out of the bright oarnge funny looking car i could! and i was asking
it to do stuff i'm positive it did not like at times too! but sunday's
race resulted in my being awarded a third in class behind ed diehl driving
randy cook's red saab in second place and a beautifull bandini taking first
place. once i caught up with ed we had a great "saab" race. his skill as
a driver is admirable to say the least! i managed to stay glued to his car
(still unceretain how. ) and actually thought about passing at a few spots
but i could not do a safe pass in my estimation and the race leaders were
lapping us making me decide to tuck in behind ed and ride it out to the
finish. we really had a great race at the back of the pack! it's a little
un-nerving to see blue flags evrywhere you go on course, but this is a
reality of running one of the slower (probably the slowest...or darn near?)
cars in group 1. i did my best to point evryone by . it's a bit funny
but i feel like the official group greeter! i seem to get to point evryone
by sooner or later. lol! the weekend was just wonderfull! weather was
incredibly cooperative.....if not perfect! the track was great and of
course the cars on hand were great too! great is an understatement but
better words fail me right now. we spent some serious time at seneca lodge
cheering on our friends as they raced past during the recreation of the
races on the original course. the entire town is really behind this event
and evryone we saw and met were very friendly and helpfull. we are
considering doing the recreation event next year. i can say this after
arriving home and doing a bit of unpacking and unloading.....we all are
already looking forward to next year's event! we will be there. oh yeah!
not being well versed in the datsun world, i could be wrong here but i
(after seeing them evrywhere i looked from a few winery's lots to food
establishments to the filling stations in flocks of 4 to 10 or more) think
evry running street legal datsun 1600 and 2000 roadster known to enthusiasts
were at the event! (and a few were on course busy passing me too!) there
is a lot to do both at the track and in town. if you are bored at this
event....there is something seriously wrong!
and a good time was had by all!