Larry, et al
I've been watching this thread with much interest. First thing that
caught the eye was the people who had collections and the stories behind
having to leave them behind at sometime during their travels. I'm sure many
of us have had similar experiences. The other thing that got my attention
was the suggestion that the collections be donated to an auto museum.
For the last six years I've been working on a book about sports car
racing in California during the years 1953-1962 . In the course of that time
I have done reasonably well in my search for information irrespective of the
fact that SCCA (San Francisco Region), SCCA (National), and CAL-Club no
longer have any type of resource material available for that period.
I'm getting closer to finalizing the '59-'62 period and the races in
Southern California, but the information is getting more difficult to come
by. I don't have the funds to purchase private collections for my research
and have had to rely, largely on people very like those who have
participated in this thread. Many people I've met, in my search for this
information, who have personal libraries have been very helpful. I'm
grateful to those who have allowed me to look at and copy items that have
provided valuable information to the book.
In my quest for historical info fo my opus I was saving the '59-'62
period for last as I thought with Road & Track and the Peterson Museum in
the neighborhood, I would be able to spend quiet wonderful days pouring over
the archives and gaining the valuable information I needed.
I have been able to use the archives at Road & Track through the kindness
of their librarian. But, over the years their archives have dwindled through
corporate buyouts, office expansion, title acquisition, personnel moves,
etc.. When I was last there they had just taken away half of the library to
provide office space for one of their motorcycle magazine editors!.
Information on the early years and races held in California is virtually
My bubble really burst when talking with the person I was directed too at
the Peterson Museum. Yes; they have materials and yes they are continuing to
solicit and receive more materials as a lot of long time writers and
photographers continue to provide them with their personal libraries through
direct donation or through estate planning. However; I would not be able to
access the material, because, you see, the Peterson Museum DOES NOT HAVE A
LIBRARY!, AND THEY DO NOT A HAVE A LIBRARIAN! Bottom line is that what
they are presently calling the library is a room where they have been
stashing all the donated photographs, magazines, race reports; etc.. The
Peterson has been tap dancing for the last three years about hiring a
librarian. The road block is over who's going to fund the position; the
museum or the city!. The future for their "Library" does not look
The basic point I'm trying to make here is; if you decide to give your
materials to any auto museum through an estate gift or direct donation
please make sure that there is a real live designated person (Librarian) in
the organization who will receive the materials and have a procedure for
cataloging and maintaining your gift. Make sure that they have a designated,
environmentally protected area (Library) for the material. If you can make
sure the organization is funded forever; if that's possible, you should do
that also. If you are not comfortable with the information you're getting,
then I would certainly consider other alternatives to your respective
Thanks. That's my .02�
Ron Yates
"California Racing Healeys 1953-1962"
(Soon to be finished - hopefully)
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Dent <>
To: Susan <>
Cc: Don <>; Mark Palmer <>;
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: Magazine Collecting
> I do publicity for the National Automobile and Truck Museum of the U.S.
> in Auburn, IN.
> We are building a reference library of auto and truck related items and
> would be glad to accept any donations of that sort of material AND
> provide a very generious appraisal and deed of gift for tax purposes for
> any donations.
> Larry Dent 219 357 4105 if you wish to discuss.