SFKTREMCO@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/15/99 10:28:28 PM, tmatycho@ix.netcom.com writes:
> << SFKTREMCO@aol.com wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > We should all be farmers and fill 'er up tax free for 'farm use' only.
> <snip>
> What factual basis to you have to make an insinuation like that? If you
> answer this, please state your occupation so I can throw a few
> gratuitous insults your way.
> --
> Tom M
> raised on a farm by people who weren't tax cheats
> </XMP> >>
> Tom,
> I drove by a farm once...........
> I filled my Suburban up with low price diesel out west (Montana, I think) at
> a Conoco station and engaged a real live farmer/rancher in a conversation in
> which he acknowledged to me that there was no road tax on fuel for farm use
> vehicles.
> Do you think he was pulling my, er, uh, leg?
I should think that had this Montana rancher (I doubt they have farmers
in Montana; I'm sure there are no ranchers in Illinois) been pulling
your leg, you'd have felt it. ...Oh, but you meant that figuratively.
... Well, he/she wasn't kidding about the tax on farm fuel. Where I
grew up, separate tanks were maintained for farm gas and car gas. And
if this Montana rancher was roaring around the highways on tax-free
fuel, why was he/she in a Conoco station? I'm sure some do cheat; even
the farmers are recruited from the human race.
A hired man on the farm next door was found to be a member of the
Midnight Procurement Service; I don't on that account assume that all
hired men are thieves.