It's not just the MGAs and Triumphs. The older Alfas are having problems
too. Most clubs requiring factory wheels are already restricting the
Alfas to the Borrani steel wheels, because the other brand was weaker.
Now the Borranis are going too. CSRG racer Felix Chiu tore one out at
the lug holes. He stopped on track and got carried in by the tow truck.
Ditto Tom Sahines, but his failure was spotted in the pits. Both had the
seams between the outer rim and center disk welded up. and the failure
was in between the lug holes. I think clubs are going to have to deal
with this issue at some point, because sooner or later, all the factory
wheels will have been used up. If a supply of properly sized (i.e. tall
and skinny) alloy wheels can be made available, I think all clubs should
be pressured into allowing them. I don't know of a good solution for
keeping the center part around the lug holes together.
Mark Palmer wrote:
> Looking for input on subject of failures of factory MGA steel disc wheels,
> when used in competition. (Note to Twin Cam list -- this refers to pushrod
> type bolt-on disc wheels, not Twin Cam wheels).
> I now know of at least ten failures of these wheels in vintage racing. I
> would like to hear from anyone who has input, e.g.:
> 1. Have you experienced a failure? If so, details?
> 2. Have you developed a solution (other than replacement with aftermarket
> wheels).
> 3. I understand Triumph TR3's have experienced similar problem with original
> factory disc wheels -- do the Triumph guys have any solutions they can share
> with the MG guys?
> 4. I have heard that "in the old days", people welded gussets into the stock
> wheels to solve the problem. I'm a little skeptical, but does anyone have
> specific experience or knowledge of this?