All this kidneying around's keeping me from getting any work done. I
thought it was over, but you have the gall to bladder on and add yet
another appendix to the corpuscle. I can't trachea much more!
I am tempted to write an auricle on the tendoncy of racers to ventricle
their frustrations through pun-laden e-mails. They say its acci-dental,
but I know they do it intestinally. And there are no sinus of these
writhings diminishing! I hate to carpal on and on, as too much typing can
be ingermius (and you can rub all the ligament you want on it, and it won�t
help). So let�s give this up before someone gets herniated. You can have
the driving suit! I mean this from lobotomy heart.
At 09:58 AM 11/19/97 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-11-19 09:53:48 EST, you write:
><< The humor does not appear to be in the content, but in the de-livery,
> you think? >>
> I rectum your right.