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Re: Door's

To: "Rolf Beuttenmuller" <>
Subject: Re: Door's
From: William Zehring <>
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 13:09:06 -0400
At 12:52 PM 8/8/00 -0500, you wrote:

>While we are on the subject of doors. I am about to start re-wireing my car
>from scratch and have discovered that I don't know what one of the door
>switches on the drivers side does.
>There are two on the drivers side,  one is for the dome light what was the
>other for.
>Could one of you Vixen owners check it out for me and see what bulb lights
>up on the dash.
>I cant find it on the original schematic.
>Vixen S2 LVX16984

I'm in a similar process (in fact, I'm formulating a few questions of my 
own but I'm not ready to post them to the list), and have decided that the 
extra switch on the driver's side is for an ignition key buzzer (which the 
PO appears to have removed from my car).  The wiring diagram that I have is 
a copy of a copy, and barely legible, but there are some scratchings about 
the US specific wiring.  I don't claim to be certain about this, but it 
makes sense to me.  I'd be interested to hear what the list wisdom is on 
this one.

Will Zehring

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