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I agree with all that. =C2=A0Something to keep in mind is that what is hap=
pening is suction. =C2=A0The end of the pushrod is fitting snugly and perf=
ectly into the tappet. =C2=A0Add some oil into it and you've got this conn=
ection that when you pull up on the connecting rod, it's the oil and this =
perfect fit into the cup of the tappet that creates the suction fit you ne=
ed to break. =C2=A0So to Randall's point of having the tappet low, that wi=
ll give you more travel pulling up to break that suction before the tappet=
comes out of it's slot.=0A=0AAs Randall said, worst case is you'd have to=
take the head off, but as I said, I had this happen to me and with some p=
atience, a long screw driver, I was able to get mine back into place in ab=
out 5-10 minutes, with=C2=A0a fair amount of cussing at it the whole time.=
=0A=0AGood luck=0A=0ARye=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Sep 22, 2018, at 03:37 AM, Randall =
<tr3driver@ca.rr.com> wrote:=0A=0ASeveral of you told me there might be a =
danger in simply=0Aremoving this pushrod as it may create a kinda "suction=
"=0Aeffect, and if I am not careful when removing it, it may=0A'pull' up i=
t's tappet riding on the cam causing it to fall=0Ainto the engine. However=
, I do need to pull out the pushrod=0Ato make sure it's not bent. IS THERE=
LIKELY=0ATO OCCUR?=0A=0AThe tappet won't fall "into the engine", it remain=
s right there in the open=0Aspace above the bore where it belongs. Not a c=
alamity, it just means you=0Ahave to remove the head in order to put the t=
appet back in place.=0A=0AIt's slightly less likely to pull out if you tur=
n the engine so the tappet=0Ais at it's lowest point of travel (where the =
valve would be fully closed).=0AYou can get this by turning the crankshaft=
until both valves are open on the=0Aopposite cylinder (in the firing orde=
r). (If the rocker shaft is off, rest=0Aa finger on top of each of the opp=
osite cylinder pushrods, so you can feel=0Awhen they are both moving. The =
tappet/pushrod combo may or may not fall down=0Aof it's own weight, light =
finger pressure will ensure they go down.)=0A=0ABut the lifter can still p=
ull up, so you still need to lift the pushrod a=0Asmall amount and spin it=
until the bottom comes free. When it's free, the=0Abottom will move aroun=
d slightly and rattle against the sides of the lifter;=0Athat means it's s=
afe to pull it out. The difference in weight is also very=0Anoticeable, bu=
t I don't supposed you have a spare pushrod to compare it=0Awith.=0A=0A-- =
Randall =0A=0A** triumphs@autox.team.net **=0A=0ADonate: http://www.team.n=
et/donate.html=0AArchive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs http://ww=
w.team.net/archive=0A=0AUnsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/=
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<html><body><div></div><div>I agree with all that. Something to keep in
mind is =
that what is happening is suction. The end of the pushrod is fitting=
snugly and perfectly into the tappet. Add some oil into it and you'=
ve got this connection that when you pull up on the connecting rod, it's t=
he oil and this perfect fit into the cup of the tappet that creates the su=
ction fit you need to break. So to Randall's point of having the tap=
pet low, that will give you more travel pulling up to break that suction b=
efore the tappet comes out of it's slot.</div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1=
"></div><div>As Randall said, worst case is you'd have to take the head of=
f, but as I said, I had this happen to me and with some patience, a long s=
crew driver, I was able to get mine back into place in about 5-10 minutes,=
with a fair amount of cussing at it the whole time.</div><div><br></=
div><div>Good luck</div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>Rye</div>=
<div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><d=
iv><br data-mce-bogus=3D"1"></div><div>On Sep 22, 2018, at 03:37 AM, Randa=
ll <tr3driver@ca.rr.com> wrote:<br><br></div><div><blockquote type=3D=
"cite"><div class=3D"msg-quote"><div class=3D"_stretch"><span class=3D"bod=
y-text-content"><blockquote type=3D"cite" class=3D"quoted-plain-text">Seve=
ral of you told me there might be a danger in simply</blockquote><blockquo=
te type=3D"cite" class=3D"quoted-plain-text">removing this pushrod as it m=
ay create a kinda "suction"</blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite" class=3D=
"quoted-plain-text">effect, and if I am not careful when removing it, it m=
ay</blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite" class=3D"quoted-plain-text">'pull=
' up it's tappet riding on the cam causing it to fall</blockquote><blockqu=
ote type=3D"cite" class=3D"quoted-plain-text">into the engine. However, I =
do need to pull out the pushrod</blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite" clas=
s=3D"quoted-plain-text">to make sure it's not bent. IS THERE ANY SPOT ON T=
HE</blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite" class=3D"quoted-plain-text">ENGIN=
kquote type=3D"cite" class=3D"quoted-plain-text">TO OCCUR?</blockquote><br=
>The tappet won't fall "into the engine", it remains right there in the op=
en<br>space above the bore where it belongs. Not a calamity, it just means=
you<br>have to remove the head in order to put the tappet back in place.<=
br><br>It's slightly less likely to pull out if you turn the engine so the=
tappet<br>is at it's lowest point of travel (where the valve would be ful=
ly closed).<br>You can get this by turning the crankshaft until both valve=
s are open on the<br>opposite cylinder (in the firing order). (If the rock=
er shaft is off, rest<br>a finger on top of each of the opposite cylinder =
pushrods, so you can feel<br>when they are both moving. The tappet/pushrod=
combo may or may not fall down<br>of it's own weight, light finger pressu=
re will ensure they go down.)<br><br>But the lifter can still pull up, so =
you still need to lift the pushrod a<br>small amount and spin it until the=
bottom comes free. When it's free, the<br>bottom will move around slightl=
y and rattle against the sides of the lifter;<br>that means it's safe to p=
ull it out. The difference in weight is also very<br>noticeable, but I don=
't supposed you have a spare pushrod to compare it<br>with.<br><br>-- Rand=
all <br><br>** <a href=3D"mailto:triumphs@autox.team.net" data-mce-href=3D=
"mailto:triumphs@autox.team.net">triumphs@autox.team.net</a> **<br><br>Don=
ate: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html" data-mce-href=3D"http://w=
ww.team.net/donate.html">http://www.team.net/donate.html</a><br>Archive: <=
a href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/triumphs" data-mce-href=3D"http://=
> <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive" data-mce-href=3D"http://www.team=
.net/archive">http://www.team.net/archive</a><br><br>Unsubscribe/Manage: <=
a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/triumphs/ryel@mac.com" dat=
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** triumphs@autox.team.net **
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