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Love it. The move he put on the Healey reminds me of Parnelli Jones at the=
1966 Times Grand Prix at Riverside Raceway. My parents had a dirt track c=
ar in the 50s and we raced against Parnelli at Ascott. At the Times Grand =
Prix he was having trouble getting by a slower car. So in turn 3 (I think) =
when the slower car dove ti the inside and blocked him he drove straight ac=
ross the dirt on the inside of the turn making the pass. I of course was s=
tanding up in the stands screaming "Go Parnelli".
Best regards=2C
Date: Sat=2C 7 Mar 2009 15:47:38 -0800
From: pcaffrey@ymail.com
To: triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: [TR] TR4 Utube
This video has probably been around....Fun to watch....See link below.
Windows Live=99 Contacts: Organize your contact list.=20
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.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'>
Love it. =3B The move he put on the Healey reminds me of Parnelli Jones=
at the 1966 Times Grand Prix at Riverside Raceway. =3B My parents had =
a dirt track car in the 50s and we raced against Parnelli at Ascott. =
=3B At the Times Grand Prix he was having trouble getting by a slower car. =
So in turn 3 (I think) when the slower car dove ti the inside and blocked h=
im he drove straight across the dirt on the inside of the turn making the p=
ass. =3B I of course was standing up in the stands screaming "Go Parnel=
li".<br><br>Best regards=2C
Tom<br><br><br><br><hr id=3D"stopSpelling">Date: Sat=2C 7 Mar 2009 15:47:38=
-0800<br>From: pcaffrey@ymail.com<br>To: triumphs@autox.team.net<br>Subjec=
t: [TR] TR4 Utube<br><br><table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=
=3D"0"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"font-family: inherit=3B font-style: inherit=
=3B font-variant: inherit=3B font-weight: inherit=3B font-size: inherit=3B =
line-height: inherit=3B font-size-adjust: inherit=3B font-stretch: inherit=
=3B -x-system-font: none=3B" valign=3D"top"><div id=3D"EC_yiv158489655">
<div>This =3Bvideo has probably been around....Fun to watch....See link=
<div> =3B</div>
<div><a href=3D"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dj9VYBWqygEc&=3BNR=3D1"; =
/a></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br /><hr />Windows Live=99 Co=
ntacts: Organize your contact list. <a href=3D'http://windowslive.com/conn=
ntry?ocid=3DTXT_TAGLM_WL_UGC_Contacts_032009' target=3D'_new'>Check it out.=
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