I really like your idea and execution (using shop/vac filter sleave over
stock TR filters) - and looks even better with your gray nos filters than the
usual black ones.. (where can I get a pair??? :-)
Thanks for pics and part number.
<< > Hello all,
Thought I would share an idea for preserving your nice new air filters.
There was a thread a while back about oiling the filters and everything that
goes with it. I have a nice new pair of "gray" Standard Triumph issued air
filters that I did not want to wreck with oil and cleaning and re-oiling until
they looked like, uhm. My solution if anyone cares is the following. I
searched high and low and finally found a foam filter at Lowes. It is part
It goes to a shop-vac wet/dry vac. Nicely glued into a circumference It will
provide 5 filters when
cut 1-1/4" wide.
Alex Manzo
TR3A TS58404>>
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