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Re: Auto Paints

To: <>
Subject: Re: Auto Paints
From: "Just Brits" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:34:02 -0500
Fat fingers and in tooooo much of a hurry, Jim!!<G>

<<Emron, which I remember
spelled as Imron. >>

C    O    R    R    E    C    T    !!!!

<< It was, perhaps still is, used on high-end
bicycles.  It needed to be baked to achieve its supposedly great
properties. >>


<< Maybe Emron and Imron are different,>>

Only by a vowel<VBG>!!

<< but if not I would wonder how it was baked onto rescue vehicle bodies. >>


I have been to both Pierce Manufacturing (Pierce) in Appleton, WI and to
E-one (Emergeny One)
in Ocala, FL.

I think it is safe to say that 99% of Listers have seen what is usually
termed "Aerial" or "Platform"
Fire Apparatus?!?!?

BOTH Co.s have Paint/"cure" booths to accomadate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<< It was also (so I heard) toxic or environmentally unfriendly.>>

Also, my understanding.

Now should you folks really care to see honest USA craftmenship, vist a
firehouse!!  And if REALLY interested and in area of either of above, ask
for the Stem-to-Stern tour.

RAW materials IN back door and what you see on the street out the front!!!




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