I think if you check some of the NASCAR, Formula 1 and SCCA web sites &
search under "safety designs" you'll find a list of many interior,
body/chassis & body & head harnesses used in all forms of racing.
Formula 1 cars are designed specifically with the drivers survival in
mind . I'm
not a NASCAR fan or expert but I know their cars have crumple zones,
well designed interiors to protect the driver. They are even developing
bumpers to absorb higher impacts.
Many of the safety designs engineered in to the cars we drive today were
brought about through race development. Take a look at tire improvements
in the last 10 years alone that have found it's way on to the family
sedan or performance car straight from the dealer. These "off the shelf"
tires are safer & more capable than what race cars used less than 20
years ago.
Ask somebody who's face went through the windshield of a car if they
would wear a seat belt next time & I'll bet I know what their answer is.
It's not a perfect world & there is always the exception to the rule,
overall most of the time these safety designs save lives.
Mitch Seff
Oceanside, N.Y.
75 TR6