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Re: Greasy hands

Subject: Re: Greasy hands
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 11:30:46 -0700
References: <>
Gee, I just put on a pair of Nitrile Gloves... my hands don't  even 
get dirty, a little sweaty at times, but not dirty

>  >Before you start to work on your car, rub dish detergent all over your
>>hands until it dries. This fills all the pores and cracks and prevents
>>grease and dirt from lodging. Also washes off with warm water.
>I use Fast Orange waterless handcleaner. (Smooth version.  I don't want any
>abrasive stuff in it.)  Making a preemptive strike with it seems to work.
>I wash my hands with it, getting it under my nails, and paper-towel it off
>before plunging into the greasy bits.

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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