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(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 12:37:31 EDT
If Ted doesn't have them, Someone send me a drawing of the gasket and I will
burn some out at work Monday.  An AutoCAD DWG or DXF file would be ideal.  I
have a computer driven plasma table at work....

- -Bill Miller

I'll buy two gaskets and a plate if someone decides to make them!

Wayne Brazinski

Had to read this 3 times before it made sense to me ... I don't have
Autocad, but I could throw a gasket on the scanner and make a couple of
measurements to set scale.  If someone else would like to carry the ball
forward from there, let me know.


i will be at tuesdays club meeting. if you care to loan it to me i can mike 
it, and produce the desired autocad file. i can then return it to you for the 
wednesday other club meet. a week apart this month.

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