Sorry, but I don't recall the vendor name and threw away the packaging. I
got them at a local foreign car parts shop who said they sourced them in
> Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 16:09:05 GMT
> From: Jay Welch <>
> Subject: RE: ZS Carb puzzle solved
> Hi Dean,
> Just curious...who supplied the rebuild kits??
> Thanks,
> Jay Welch
> Abington, MA
> TR6s
> Member Cape Cod British Car Club CCBCC
> >I pulled the jets and compared them to the old ones. It
> turns out the
> >jets that came with the rebuild kit have very different
> orifice sizes than the originals -- one is larger and the other
> smaller. I put in the old jets and was able to tune the
> mixture spot on.