Ok, let's try again :)
Anyone on the list planning on attending the Champaign (Illinois) British
car Festival on Memorial day weekend is invited to stop by my house (we are
44 miles due south of Champaign) for a late lunch on the Friday before.
Probably sandwiches, chips and pop this year (Spaghetti and wine, as in
years past, tends to spoil the evening meal :)) We will try to put out an
open buffet and park as many brit cars as we can in the driveway. That's
Friday, May 28, from say 1:00 p.m. till it's time to leave.
It sounds like the organizers have a very nice gig planned for that evening
and I certainly do not want to impose on that, but stop by. In years past
we have had a very good turn out.
RVSP or just stop in.
Ken Gano
938 6th Street
Charleston, Illinois 61920 (8 miles east of I57, about 20 miles north of