Mark and Randall,
The thing that bothers me about Valvoline 20w50 Racing oil (or any other
MOTOR oil) use in transmissions is that it doesn't contain additives
with anti-shear characteristics. That's why all current (and almost all
previous) auto manufacturers specify different oils for engines,
transmissions and differentials. Their operation and lubrication needs
are different.
I'm not an engineer nor do I have any training or specific education in
the science of lubricants. It just doesn't make any common sense to me
that it's just dandy to run motor oil in a Triumph TR6 transmission
(which functions just like every other automotive manual transmission),
but no ancient or modern manufacturer would warrant their vehicle's
transmission if it were used. Because they specify gear oil, with it's
special additives and properties. Even BL/Triumph specified gear oil for
the TR6 transmission.
FWIW, for the last 12 or 13 years I have used Redline MTL in my
transmission and 75w90NS in my diff., with excellent results.
Admittedly, it is not readily available and certainly costs more than
$2.50 a quart. Someone please convince me that I've been wasting my
money all this time!
What does BFE know about this subject that no automotive manufacturer
Jim Davis
Fortson, GA
Please use less subtle language. This is an important issue and I am not
sure of your opinion here. :^)
(Another user of Valvoline 20w50 Racing)
72 TR6 O/D
-----Original Message-----
From: Randall Young []
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 1:05 AM
Subject: RE: Syncromesh manual transmission fluid
> i was browsing at the local Autozone to day and i found a
> pennzoil syrncromesh transmission fluid with the other gear oils. It
> mentioned some different GM and chrysler specs that it met did
> not mention the weight of
> the oil itself but it did say it was safe for yellow metals.
> It was only
> $4.99 per quart. The Pennzoil part # 3501 this maybe an easy
> to aquire oil
> for trnasmission
Could well be. Tell you what, rebuild your transmission, fill it up
with this stuff and run it 5 years, then tear it down and check for
Then explain why we should use it instead of $2.50/quart Valvoline
Racing 20W50, which BFE has already tested as above and can be had at
almost any auto parts store in the nation.
IMO Pennzoil is the cheapest crap on the market, made by the same people
who brought you Slick-50 and various other snake oils. I wouldn't use
their products in my lawnmower ! There's a reason you can find their
motor oil on sale for $.49/quart ...
YMMV of course.