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Two LBC experiences in one day!

Subject: Two LBC experiences in one day!
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 20:49:07 -0400
Organization: Southern Rail
Hypothetical questions:  Does a Spitfire look like a Miata?  Are the 
stars out of alignment (maybe it's that Mars-orbit thingy) or is the 
heirarcy changing?

It was a lovely evening for a topless drive home.  I pulled out of 
the company driveway at about 7 PM and noticed in my rearview mirror 
a topless Miata flying down the hill behind me.  No traffic was in 
sight at the turn onto the main road so I pull a high-g right turn 
and accelerated away.  The Miata driver did likewise, seemingly 
working hard at it so as to catch me.  The stoplight turned green as 
I approached the next intersection so I pulled another hard right.  
He did likewise, exhibiting significant lateral drift.  I didn't want 
to blast too hard down that road because it carries lots of work 
traffic, and eventually we fell in behind a slow-moving Tercel.  So 
he finally caught me.  But as we approached the next light, another 
right-hander with two lanes marked for the turn, the light turned 
green.  Once again I pulled it fairly hard, moving around the outside 
of the Tercel.  The Miata did likewise behind me.  A hundred yards 
later I pulled into right lane and backed off the throttle to turn up 
an entrance ramp.  The Miata driver pulled up beside me, turned his 
head over with a big smile on his face, looked the Spitfire over, and 
gave me a formal nod of his head.  I waved back at him and we went 
our separate ways.  Interesting, I thought.

Twenty mninutes closer to home on a small but busy road running 
through a golf course, I saw another Miata approaching, also top-
down.  The guy waved as he went by, and I returned it, of course.

Hmm.  It sure was a nice evening for a drive.  But two Miata/Spitfire 
exchanges in one day, both initiated by the "other guy"?  Most 
curious.  Very satisfying too. :-}

Jim Muller

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