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RE: Attaching Headlight Rims

To: <>
Subject: RE: Attaching Headlight Rims
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 23:11:24 -0700
> OK, I give. I received new headlight trim rings from TRF (TS23055
> didn't come
> with any) and can't figure out how they attach. They have one screw but I
> don't anything on the headlight assembly to screw into. Looks
> like the rim on the
> ring goes behind the flange on the top of the headlight assembly and the
> screm is positioned somewhere at the bottom but???

Sounds like you have TR3 trim rings, but TS23055 should be a TR3A.  They are
different, as the 3A apron sticks out below the headlamps, blocking access
to the screw.

If memory serves, your car should have the 'split' trim rings, which are
NLS.  However, I think you can still get the kit to convert your headlamp
buckets to the later "clip-on" style, which requires removing them from the
car, drilling a hole, and pop-riveting the clip to them.  And of course
buying clip-on trim rings.  Call TRF & ask John Swauger for help.


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