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Re: Title needed, 75 TR6..

To: "Randall Young" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Title needed, 75 TR6..
From: "Gerald Van Vlack" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 19:47:37 -0400
References: <>
We could go on and on with this whole topic. The point that I am making is
that cars without Titles often help to restore cars with Titles and what Paul
is doing is just that. Making one from two or more, the one with a Title is
the survivor. I can see it now another Reality TV show in the making, Title
Survivor, stay tuned to see which car survives! Sort of a parity on Junk Yard
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Randall Young
  Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 6:14 PM
  Subject: RE: Title needed, 75 TR6..

  > Gee guys, you are making Paul look like a common criminal here.

  I don't think anyone is accusing Paul of anything improper, just pointing
  out (accurately I might add) that the law takes an extremely dim view of
  such activities.  The simple act of changing the VIN number is considered
  most places to be evidence that a crime has been committed.

  > When reproduction
  > Commission Plates are so easily obtained from the big three
  > numbers could and I bet have been changed on many occasions.

  No doubt, but it's always a risk.

  > Maybe he should have asked if
  > anyone had a 75 parts car with Title that he could obtain.
  > Perhaps he should have the VIN run to establish if the car was
  > ever reported
  > stolen and in the absence of that event he's just restoring another 75
  > with parts from this one. Which parts he wants to use is up to
  > him. Maybe he
  > just wants to use the Title as one of the "parts". There are many
  > cars on the
  > road today made up of more than one original car, I'll bet a lot of those
  > parts cars didn't have any Titles.

  It varies state to state of course, but most states have a procedure for
  dealing with cars built from "parts" with no title.  You'll need to show
  bills of sale for the major components, and typically the state will assign
  a new VIN.

  Technically, you should go through this same process even if one of the
  parts cars has a title, but I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble
  for using a legitimate title from a parts car.  But again, offering to buy
  just a title (not attached to a parts car) would be considered evidence (I
  believe "prima facie" is the legal term, literally "at first glance") that
  you are committing a crime.  The laws tend to be rather draconian in this
  area, to be sure that "chop shops" don't wiggle through any legal


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