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>80 tr7. putting out 16v at any rpm. ign light glowing. i've come to the
conclusion it must be either the voltage regulator, the diode/rectifier
pack, the zener diode or the capacitor (all this inside the alternator).
anyone know which item it is ? don't want to buy $50 worth of parts for
thing. okay to drive 5 miles a day for a week like this ? or will it fry
something ? thanks, larry,
Larry, if it was just 16 volts I would guess regulator but the ign light on
adds a wrinkle. This light often indicates problems with the diode
assembly. Without checking it out with an ohm meter I can't say for sure.
If you have an ohmmeter check between ground and a stator wire* (one of the
three big wires soldered tot he diode assy). It should be greater than
zero (the actual value depends on what type of ohmmeter you have but
definately greater than 1 ohm**). Check between the battery connection and
a stator wire. Next check between the ign light terminal and a stator
wire. All three checks should be greater than 1 ohm. If you read less
than that on any of these tests then you have a shorted diode and the
assembly must be replaced.
Good luck
*always disconnect the battery before conducting ohm checks. At best
voltage can give you false readings and at worst it can cause your meter to
go up in flames.
**A digital meter will usually indicate an open circuit when measuring a
diode when set to ohms and any reading at all will likely mean a shorted
diode. When set to Diode Check a DVM will show about 0.5 volts when
measureing a forward biased diode and an open circuit when measuring a
reversed biased diode. A vom will usually read 50 ohms or so when
measuring a forward biased diode. Typically, a shorted diode will read
near zero in both directions.
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