In a message dated 10/15/2002 4:37:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> When you say three-rail gearbox, what does that mean? I purchased a sleeve
> that the TO bearing rides on that is longer than the original sleeve. I am
> thinking that this is the correct sleeve for the diaphragm style clutch.
> Are you saying that the arm is different as well? As far as the slave
> cylinder goes, I purchased one that belongs to a '69 spit, so that should
> be
> compatible.
Basically, three-rail refers to any of the Herald-based gearboxes where
reverse is to the left and up next to first gear. The later single-rail
gearboxes have reverse over to the right. And yes, the arm does appear to
have a different part number as well, although offhand I don't know what the
difference is. Note that the two different part numbers are quoted for the
"Clutch Disengaging Lever Assembly"; it could be that this refers to the
entire assembly and that it is primarily the sleeve and bearing that differ.
That's not totally clear from the Spare Parts Catalogue, but that's how I
interpret it.
In my experience, the slave cylinder doesn't seem to make a whole lot of
Andrew Mace, Vice President, Member Services
and 10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Vehicle Consultant
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