It was the worst of times. It was the best of times.
Went out to the garage this morning and found a small puddle of gas under
the TR6's left rear axle. It seems the rubber hose that couples fuel lines
had been in contact with the rubber boot on the u-joint. Possibly I upset it
when working with the diff. Also, no clamps on it.
So, I went up to the auto parts store to buy some new hose and clamps. When
I came back, I noticed the rear window in our mini-van had been broken.
Spent about 1/2 hour with the insurance co. An on-site repair is scheduled
for tomorrow morning.
Later my wife came home riding on a flat tire on the Focus. Rushed that up
to a garage to get it fixed.
But, on the bright side, it is one of those great Michigan fall days here.
Sun shining, about 60 degrees, leaves just starting to turn color. Between
the repairs, I had two nice long rides in the TR6 -- one with each daughter.
This more than makes up for the troubles.
- Hugh Fader
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