In a message dated 10/12/2002 6:01:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> >(One more strange thing is that on the certificate the engine # has an
> >"he" suffix, even the the engine block has "UE", and that's what I
> >entered.)
> The "U" is almost certainly a mis-strike or mis-read, as I don't believe
> it's a normal suffix. "H" is a normal suffix, meaning high compression.
> And "E" of course just means engine. I'd say this is further proof that
> they gave you the number from the build record, and didn't just parrot back
> the number you gave.
I'm not quite so sure about the TR6 US models, but Spitfires and GT6s from
the 1972 year on (coinciding with the introduction also of the dreaded
recessed bore cylinders) DID have engines with UE suffixes, just as
commisison numbers for later Triumph cars ended in "U" for the "Federal"
Andrew Mace, Vice President, Member Services
and 10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Vehicle Consultant
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