Being an original owner, I don't have any DPO stories about the TR4, but back
around 1964 a friend decided he had to have an lbc. The only one for sale in his
price range was a 57 TR3. White over blue, wire wheels, OD, a rollbar, factory
hardtop, bumpers removed. It looked OK from across a parking lot, but up close
turned into a nightmare. It had been brush painted with house paint, all of the
spokes in all of the wheels were loose, and the "rollbar" was made out of
exhaust pipe. It had a diagonal brace which ended in midair down behind the
seats. The gearbox would jump out of 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and the OD didn't work.
The front end had positive camber one one side and negative on the other. The
poor car had been driven into the ground in only 7 years. But it always started
and always ran and the brakes usually worked. He eventually fixed it up enough
be reasonably driveable, and kept it for about 5 years.
Pete Fullam
63 TR4
Nobody's DPO
> HA! I can top that! When I did the re-frame job on my car I rebuilt the
> suspension and after assembling the right side I then began to assemble the
> left. After finding a left hand trunion out of my parts pile (the result
> of parting out a couple of TR6's over the years) I attempted to screw it
> onto the left hand verticle link. After two unsuccessfull attempts I took
> a close look and then attempted to screw on a RIGHT hand trunion which went
> on quite nicely.
> So, some DPO (and the guy I bought it from claims no knowledge) put a right
> vertical link and trunion on the left side of the car. That explains why
> the car would sidestep whenever it encountered a bump.
> Dave Massey
> 71 TR6 (much better now)
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