A flame war, for whatever purpose, is a distasteful thing to witness. IMHO
the best way to deal with this entire situation is to ignore it. To
paraphrase Andy Warhol, let it have its fifteen minutes of fame. Anyone who
has been a subscriber to the various Triumph 'lists' should be well aware
that Mr. Radicke always expresses his opinions with verge and vigor, which
is his right. I, for one, will exercise my right to ignore it when I find it
abrasive, insensitive, and IMHO wrong.
While there is an extremely large amount of information presented by a
multitude of site on the Internet I for one would not want to trust a few
site providers to be the custodians of it all. The real power of the
Internet lies in the creativity and energy of many people, each making their
own contribution. Having attempted to maintain web sites for some of my
other interests I appluade Mr. Johnson for his initiative. On top of that I
would like to congratulate him (and his 'staff') on creating a visually
pleasing, well organized site. It is evident that it is 'professionally'
done and we are lucky to have people with these talents and capabilities
creating places for us to come to on the Internet.
So ultimately the test will come in the next several months. If people find
the site useful and/or entertaining they will come, return and tell others.
If not it will join the many sites that individuals and 'corporate' entities
have put up attempting to entice us there. It will languish and maybe
eventually die but not be missed. So just support it if you like it or don't
if you find it hard to visit 'one more place on the highway'.
Keith A. Bay
Hartland, WI
'73 GT6 MkIII #KF20729U
NASS - North American Spifire (& GT6) Squadron
VTOW - Vintage Triumphs of Wisconsin
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Kai M. Radicke
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 6:29 PM
To: Glen Johnson;;
Subject: Re: - SITE LAUNCH
Glen Johnson spammed: ...
This is utterly ridiculous and signifies one of the major problems of the
internet. What need is there to duplicate the efforts already found on
other websites? All that results from doing this is a chaotic web of
semi-relevant websites with the information diffused among numerous sites
rather than in one collective place.
So if your intention, Glen, was to make the internet even more cluttered and
useless, you have succeeded. I urge the list members of both the 6-Pack and
Triumph lists to use the two established websites I mention above to create
an even more thorough online database of our vehicles. By contributing your
information to the TR Registry and the TR List site, you are helping to
cultivate two, already very useful, websites.
/// mailing list
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/// Archives at