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Re: TR3A wing mirrors

To: <>
Subject: Re: TR3A wing mirrors
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 16:07:42 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
I don't have Piggott's book to compare but factory fitted mirrors
*Usually round with convex glass with different types of stem.
*One stem was short and straight, the other  was more slender with an
outward curve at the
top - the 'Lucas' mirror is <I think> such an example.
*Mounting was normally at the apex of the front wing and <I think> to
the outside of the trim finisher.
*Too far forwards for my eyesight but better than nothing. There would
have been an engineering bulletin issued via the Service Division when
the car was first introduced - in this case, the TR2.
*These mirrors are still available in the UK, don't know about the US.
FWIW, the straight stemmed version is spring loaded in the base so it
will spring back into the original position <usually without
re-aligning> if knocked in a car park.


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