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Re: TR3 Control Head/Horn Wiring

Subject: Re: TR3 Control Head/Horn Wiring
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:29:04 EDT
In a message dated 8/27/02 6:42:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Ray,
> The horn button completes the circuit by taking the power to ground. You 
> can
> get close to the source of the problem by starting at the horns and working
> back - they are easier to reach :).  Use a screwdriver or piece of wire to
> short each horn to a good ground, after bandaging your head where it hit 
> the
> bonnet when the horn went off, try pulling the
> wire from the control head you just plugged in and replace it wth the test
> wire.  When you touch the test wire to ground, you should get a matching
> bump on the other side of your head :)
> If the first test doesn't produce a beep, make sure you have power at the
> horn lead.  If you do, my guess is the problem is in the horns.
> If the later test does not cause the horns to beep, you probably are
> plugging the control lead into the wrong place.  If both tests work, then
> there is probably a problem at the control head.
> When I got my car painted, the horn button got all gunked up so that it
> wouldn't make a contact with the ring. I pounded it a few times and it
> started working, sort of.  I drove into my neighborhood behind an old
> Cadillac and when I went over the speed bump, the horn started blasting.  
> The
> guy jumped out of his Caddie, I apologized profusely in between honks, he
> said "that's all right, I just thought something fell off my car"  - shows
> ya' where his expectations were.
> (sorry for running on --- I really do have to get a job)
> Bob

Bob (and list):

Followed your instructions to the tee.
Actually the horns were not the` problem as I knew. Too much tugging and 
pulling on the stator tube and control head dislodged the brown/black wire 
from it's mooring in the head. So Mr. Brave attempted to fix the problem in 
the head by himself (lots of little squigly parts in there!). But, I am happy 
to say I am now an expert on rebuilding control heads! (a little solder, a 
bit of tape, lots of patience).  So all you listers with bad control heads 
send 'em here. 
No charge for the first one per customer!

Ray Antoky
Brooklyn NY
59 TR3A

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