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Some history in numbers

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Some history in numbers
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 01:55:21 +0100
Knowing that some of you enjoy the 'numbers' side of things, I've just
completed a small project evaluating output and product mix of
Standard-Triumph in its post-war years. The emphasis was on saloon
cars and tractors, so the fact I wasn't able to pinpoint numbers
produced for TR2 and 3 (and one or two others) tends to understate the
actual total. For te purposes of what I was doing, the sports cars
didn't feature but for those who have access to Bill Piggott's books,
te early sidescreen TR data would be useful at someone's convenience -
and off-list, please?

It's worth mentioniing these figures relate only to fully built-up
vehicles leaving the UK factories  and I wouldn't be surprised if
people respond by claiming I'm wrong in some areas. If I am, I
apologise but I no longer have access to BMIHT stats. Unfortunately,
no one kept detailed records which have survived of the many thousands
(tens of?) of kits that were packed in the UK for final assembly in
the company's twelve overseas manufacturing plants.

While the total for all products is seriously understated (because of
the lack of kiits) at 3,110,802 finished vehicles of all types, that
figure is no great shakes for a modern car factory, I still think it's
a very commendable effort for a little company whose main factory
covered less than 100 acres in total. A project for when retirement
comes <g> is to analyse SMMT shipments by model, market and year to
see how much of what went where.


                                             Units        %
Ferguson All tractors            517651     16.6

Standard 8/10/Pennant         351727
Standard Ensign                    21164
Standard Lux Six                     9953
Standard Sportsman                  901
Standard Vanguard                 63470
ALL STANDARDS                 447215    14.4

Triumph 1300/1500 FWD                ?
Triumph 2000/2500/2.5           316956    10.2
Triumph Dolomite 1500                   ?
Triumph Dolomite 1850/Sprint  418907    13.5
Triumph GT6 Mk 1/2/3              40926      1.3
Triumph Herald - all                 626239    20.1
Triumph Spitfire - all                314332    10.1
Triumph Stag                           25939      0.8
Triumph TR2                                   ?
Triumph TR250                           8484     0.3
Triumph TR3                                   ?
Triumph TR3a/3b                      61567      2.0
Triumph TR4/4a                        68718      2.2
Triumph TR5PI                           2947       0.1
Triumph TR6                             80707      2.6
Triumph TR6PI                          13912      0.4
Triumph TR7 all                       112368      3.6
Triumph TR8                               2722      0.1
Triumph Vit 1600 - all                 31261      1.0
Triumph Vit 2000 - all                 19951      0.6

ALL TRIUMPHS                      2145936

ALL PRODUCTS                     3110802

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