If it had been my postman, he would have just kept on driving!!
Mark Hooper wrote:
> I noticed that for the past week I seemed to have received no mail. I mean
> physical not electronic. Normally the bills seem to come more frequently
> than that. It seems that nobody else loves me enough to write... ;^p
> Bills I can do without, however I had begun to wonder what happened to the
> Triumph seat belt covers I ordered from JS on ebay.
> Then I had an odd suspicion. For the past 2 weeks I have been installing a
> 30-tonne stone deck out front of the house. (I've lost 1 1/2" off my waist
> line digging gravel and carting stones in 90+ degree heat, some vacation...)
> Anyway, my ratty old mailbox no longer fit, so last week I pulled it off the
> front wall and stuck it in a window ledge junk pile about 20 feet from the
> door There it sat, covered in caulking tubes and surrounded by tools and
> whatnot. Every day as the work progressed that pile of junk has been moving
> up and down the ledge and around the area, with the box practically
> invisible under the pile of junk.
> I was just ruminating about how the newspaper guy had started to leave the
> paper on the front step in a plastic bag just in case it rained. I wondered
> how the mailman would keep the mail dry. I just imagined him looking about
> wondering where the mailbox had gone to... You guessed it. I went outside
> and unburied it. There it is, full of each days mail for the past week. And
> in midst the nice pile of bills and pre-approved credit card death traps is
> my set of Triumph seat belt pads. Very nice looking too by the way.
> You know that old saw about neither rain nor snow nor dark of night (sic)
> will stop the mail? Well damned if it isn't true! That guy must have a
> metal detector in his pouch and for sure a certain level of tenacity. I just
> put the box back on the wall until I find a new one. I think a week of
> hide-and-seek is good enough to prove a point. I won't try to block the mail
> again (even inadvertantly) without first finding an immovable object.
> Cheers,
> Mark Hooper
> 72 TR6
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