Some time back I added a spin on filter adapter to the TR6. For too long I
endured a messy garage floor and occasional topping up as it leaked in a
constant drip drip under pressure. Last weekend I decided to "fix"it as I
was changing the oil and filter anyway. Upon the advice on a list member I
visited the local Jag service dept and procured a tube of the amazing
Hylomar, reputed to be the leak stopper of Rolls Royce and other fine
"Motors". Well...... I fixed it real good! Upon start up It proceeded to
drain the sump in under a minute. Removal again revealed that the fresh
gasket had been torn leaving an apparently gaping hole from which torrents
of fresh, clean oil gushed all over the clean garage floor. I wiped it down
and reinstalled using my last gasket, refilled it and started it up again.
Visual inspection showed it to be oozing around the gasket. I shut it off,
gave the bolt another half turn and started it up again. All seemed to be
well until I restarted the car this morning. Thinking it wise to do a double
check I backed out to the driveway, popped the hood and was dismayed to see
oil once again pouring out around the base of the adapter.
I'm at a loss here as to what to do next. Any insights would be appreciated.
I'm using a Fram PH3600 filter. Could it possibly be blocked/defective
causing the gasket to blow?
Hints as to the best installation angle that would allow the filter to be
removed yet would provide enough clearance so the bleed nipple on the clutch
slave doesn't puncture the canister would also be appreciated.
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