I purchased a Luk clutch kit, 3,000 miles ago, I am very satisfied, no noise
at all; they use the sachs pressure plate in the kit
al salvatore
----- Original Message -----
From: <britauto@ihpc.net>
To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: Toyota Release Bearing in TR
> I just went through this drill...I started with a B&B pressure plate and
> clutch disk with the OEM TO bearing. After 100 miles the TO bearing
> squeaked badly. I found that the clutch master cylinder was sticking. I
> replaced the TO bearing and clutch master cylinder, and again around 100
> miles the TO was squeaking. I them went to the Toyota TO bearing with a
> sleeve (the TO bearing came pressed onto the sleeve). All along I hated
> pressure it took to engage the clutch. After a few hundred miles the damn
> TO bearing was squeaking again. I set my slave cylinder up like a
> TR4....meaning I installed an adjustable rod and fork with the spring
> attached to 'pull' the TO beating off the pressure plate when released.
> The squeaking slowly got worse. It also became very notchy when hot. I
> ended up putting around 2000 miles on the clutch hoping to make it to
> winter. I finally got fed up with it and pulled the transmission once
> (what a pain!) In a discussion I had with a Canadian TR owner describing
> clutch woes he said that the new sleeves don't come with the roll pin in
> them to stop the TO sleeve from spinning on the clutch fork mechanism.
> I found the last time I pulled the tranny was that indeed the TO sleeve
> been spinning on the fork causing wear on the sleeve. I replaced the
> with the 'magic' clutch kit but I also drilled the TO sleeve and installed
> the 1/8 inch roll pin. I also replaced the pins on the clutch fork. I
> the slave push rod and spring setup like a TR4....400 miles thus far and
> everything is fine. The Sachs pressure plate makes a much nicer feeling
> clutch.
> Bruce Harding
> 68 TR250
> 80 TR8
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