Just for public note, it is a little known fact that the 1071 Pinto was used
as a weapon of war. The hard part was getting the enemy to either drive it
or run into the back of it. (Of course, the 1060's Corethevaire was a
wonderful little product, pushed by horses in the rear, until Ralphe the
Naadir declared to the King and country, they were " A distraction to lyfe
and lymbe in all manner of conveyance beyond consummate immobility". For
this he was proclaimed a Heretic, and burned at the stake. Or he shoulda
Ye Olde Scot,
> >From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
> >1068 Mustang
> I didn't know they made them back then!!
> Rich White St. Joseph, IL USA
> '63 TR3B TCF587L
> That ain't a scrap pile, that is my car!
> See it moves!
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