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RE: coming down (rant, no LBC)

To: TR list <>
Subject: RE: coming down (rant, no LBC)
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 14:27:28 -0700
Nelson Riedel wrote :
> <snip> local law requires more
> expensive special blends

Actually, it's federal law.  CA has been asking the Fed not to force us to
add either MTBE or ethanol to our gas. (MTBE is poisoning the environment,
ethanol has to be trucked in from the midwest, and arguably is taking grain
out of the mouths of starving children).  According to an article in today's
LA Times, GWB has said "No", in spite of good evidence to indicate that it
does _not_ alleviate smog, and costs citizens of CA millions of dollars/year
in increased fuel consumption and higher gas prices.

> Governor Davis will probably ask the Feds to subsidize California gasoline
> just like he has for natural gas and electricity.

Just to set the record straight, what he asked for was federal help to
ensure a level playing field.  There doesn't seem to be any reason for
natural gas from Texas to be sold in New York for 1/3 of what it costs in CA

There are already federal laws against that sort of thing, in reality we
only asked GWB to uphold the law.  He said no ...

> As I recall,
> the rest of
> the country built the California water systems and supplies the
> water --- at
> much lower rates that we pay back here.  I for one think that is enough
> federal aid.

OK, how 'bout we triple the price you pay for fruits, vegetables, meat and
milk, all produced with that 'cheap' water.  California is the #1 producer
of food and agricultural products in the US ... and also a net energy (oil
and gas) exporter.  Only the Federal EPA keeps us from burning our own
gasoline, forcing us to export it to Mexico.  And BTW, I don't know what
you're paying for water, but I pay more here than I ever did in Indiana.

> Please, no offense intended to the citizens of California.

None taken, just presenting a different viewpoint.


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