Mike :
The problem is almost certainly in the top cover, probably the interlock
pin and balls. Another possibility is the taper pins that hold the
selectors (under the shift lever) to the shafts. Either way, you're
going to have to pull the top cover, which is at least somewhat easier
than pulling the entire box.
Mike Katona wrote:
> Got in the TR the other evening to go for a cruise. Backed out of the
> driveway and the tyranny was stuck in reverse.
> After pulling the lever and a quick inspection, I could see nothing out of
> place. Reinserted the shifter and it went through all the gears just fine.
> Put everything back together and bolted it down.
> Backed out of the drive, shifted to first, shifted to second, tried to shift
> to third...
> Now I have second and neutral only.
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