There are only two wires because (obviously) that was before the days of
stereo. The speakers are probably 4 to 8 ohms each. Just wire them in
parallel, and they will work fine. That is, connect the two wires to both
speakers. The impedance will be half, but you'll never hear the impedance
mismatch. The radio will drive this load with no problem.
Sumner Weisman
62 TR3B TSF263L
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 21:56:38 EDT
From: Harrymague@aol.com
Subject: Orginal Triumph radio
Hi everyone. Just got an orginal TR radio for my 6. I remember a
in the past about the wiring of the radio, but I don't remember. Could
anybody help. The radio has one power wire, and only two speaker wires.
power wiring is not the problem, it is the speaker wires. How do you wire
two speakers in this old system? Thanks in advance.
Harry Mague
74 TR6
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