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welder safety!!

Subject: welder safety!!
From: Gary Nafziger <>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 21:17:07 -0600 (CST)
I had planned on welding in my basement but remain very very concerned about
safety since Ken Gano gave his response.  This is the place where the list
advice can be life saving.........
I would like others to share about experiences they have had and precautions
they take.  This could range into other topics and not just welder safety.

For myself I still re-call with horror the time I was lying under my
tr-3.....went ahead and pulled a rubber connector on the gas line
apart.....gas running out on the floor.........I jerked around knocking the
drop cord light off where it was hanging on the frame.  Lucky for me the
bulb did not break when it fell on the floor........Imagine caught under a
car with fuel running out on the floor  on fire...........stupid stupid stupid.
                Gary, Frances Nafziger
                Box 25
                Wellman, Iowa 

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