> In today's cars non start conditions are 95% the computer! Especially when
> you get multiple error codes......thank the creator for simple LBC's
This statement is just, frankly, not based in any kind
of reality at all.
I've done my fair share of work on modern cars as well
as my LBCs, and I've never had to deal with a computer
failure. Ever.
Not saying it never happens, but the percentage of times
it happens is VERY small.
Whenever you see this crap badmouthing computers, it's
just the original posters way of saying that they have "hit
the wall of learning", and would rather simply badmouth
new technology than learn anything new.
Just smile at them and walk away.
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man" - Jebediah Springfield