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Re: hydraulics

To: <>
Subject: Re: hydraulics
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 00 07:06:13 -0800
>If you are rebuilding the braking system anyway it woud be a good time to
>consider converting over to DOT5.  If you have a perfectly functioning
>system, changing to DOT5 is a royal pain and not worth the effort. 
>(remember, this is just my opinion)

I agree completely with Dave here.  When my TR3 was rebuilt it got all 
new plumbing as well as all new hydraulics.  Everything was clean and 
new.  It was just a matter of which fluid to pour in.

Now that I have experience with DOT5, I will be changing the Land Rovers 
system over.  But not until I need to perform a general hydraulics 
rebuild.  Right now everything is working just fine on DOT4 and will 
likely continue to do so for several more years. 

If you have a good functioning system, it is a lot of work and expense  
for no apparent return.  Wait until the point when your hydraulic system 
is tired and it's time to do a complete overhaul of the system.  At that 
time it is just a little extra work which will result in a more like new 
system anyway.

TeriAnn Wakeman               If you send me direct mail, please
Santa Cruz, California        start the subject line with TW -           I will be sure to read the message      <- Photography for sale          <- Web directory for Land Rover   <- My personal web site

"How can life grant us the boon of living..unless we dare"
Amelia Earhart 1898-1937

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