Pat :
There are no 'safeguards', except for careful observation during
reassembly. In fact, there have been a great many of them installed
wrong <g>
During reassembly, set the crank to TDC on #1 (I trust this is obvious),
then set the cam to TDC on #1 compression and install the timing chain.
For a stock cam, this is when #4 intake and exhaust valves are open the
same amount ("point of balance" I think the book calls it). The cam
gear can be rotated front to back, and 180 degrees, to get 1/4 tooth
timing increments. If you can't get it just right, set it a little
advanced, since the chain will stretch a bit under load.
When you install the dizzy drive gear, the keyway notch should be away
from the engine, and the slot lined up such that a line drawn through it
would hit #1 intake valve. (The oil pump shaft must also engage the
keyway.) Then install the dizzy so the points just barely open (use a
test lamp) and the rotor is pointing to #1. There's plenty of room to
turn the dizzy, but the factory photos show the axis of the vacuum
advance to be roughly parallel to the engine block. Don't overtighten
the clamp on the dizzy body, the body breaks easily. Just snug enough
to keep the body from turning.
You should probably invest in a shop manual before reassembling, there
are lots of clearances, etc. to be checked. The common ones (all pretty
good) are the factory TR2/3 shop manual, the Bentley reprint, and the
Haynes TR2/3/4. Someone posted a link to a PDF of the factory manual
some time ago, but I don't have it handy. Should be in the archives at .
59 TR3A daily driver
Pat wrote:
> Well, I have my TR3 Motor "almost" fully apart on the basement floor (Got
> the frozen pistons out in one piece !)
> As the motor was frozen I could not bring the # 1 piston to TDC so that when
> I remove everything I could mark it all for putting back together. (I've not
> done many motors but enough to sort of knowing what I'm kinda doing).
> My question is, if I pull out the dist and cam with out marking anything how
> can I get the Dist back in and lined up with the cam gear when it comes time
> to put it back together ? What safe guards are there so the dist is placed
> in the right spot in the cam gear ?
> Thanks, Pat